
"Your kids are gonna hate you."

"Well then they can just suck it up and get a cool nickname. That's what I did."

Which is very true.
It may have taken me fourteen years to finally pick a good nickname (thanks to Spanish I actually did choose a good one...), but I'll have it for the rest of my life, right? And it's not like anyone from most of my earlier years will remember me or will likely interact with me later, so I could go by Ester ('Esther' in ingles) for the rest of my life and no one would be the wiser. Right?
And man, if my kids seriously thought "Loretta" or "Richard" was a crappy name, I can always go right back at them with "At least your name isn't a noun. And in all the church songs. Suck it up and get a cool nickname. That's what I did."
Then, of course, they will realize how stupid they were and be all "Oh yes you're so right. Thank you for not giving us names that we can look up in the dictionary to see the "n." next to it. You rock."
"Heck yes I do!"

So everyone remember:
If you can look up the name in Webster's Dictionary, the name sucks and your kids will hate you for the name until forever. Find some decent baby names on Google or something.

Hey. Whatever happened to "joy's gonna be a good mommy"? Hmmm?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

joy'll still be a god mommy.

it'll just take her kids longer to realize it now...

at least untill they're old enough to read the dictionary.

Anonymous Anonymous said...


i meant good mommy.

not god mommy.

of course, you could always be the godmother of my kids so if i die u can be a real "god mommy"

that sounds like a plan to me.


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