
Yesterday I went to my school. Its summertime and school is just freaking depressing during summertime.

I am trying to get into the Wellness Center, but all the doors near it are locked so I have to walk up to the main doors near the office. On my way up, I notice that the blinds in the art room are up so, for a split second, I hope that the art teacher is in there so I can have another round of our "God's Plan" discussion (even though their car most definitely is not in the parking lot). So then, I get to the doors. I turn the corner and start walking down these dark hallways and immediately I see the principle standing there talking to a janitor and he just kinda gives me this "I recognize you" look as I walk on by. So I'm following this random janitor who's carrying a SmartBoard down the hall, pass the swarm of people who went into the Adult Ed office, and down the dark, deserted 100 Wing, home of the art room, Wellness Center, and several other unimportant rooms. Light is streaming forth from the art room, but, wait, why is there a fan in the doorway? Why are all the tables and computers in the hall? Wh-wh-That's right, our art teacher HAS a life. And a family they love much more than me. I keep walking to the Wellness Center and am trying not to think about the large, empty white room. Sitting in there, waiting as they fill out my paperwork, I'm clearing my mind and just listen to the conversation around me and try to place this woman sitting in front of me. Oh yes! The paperwork is done! Thank you, goodbye, RUN AND GET OUT!


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