
Aaaah, the technologically dependent!

I, like many people I know, have a cell phone. I proudly carry it in my pocket (when not in school, because I just got a phone that will fit in my pocket while sitting down, but that is besides the point) everywhere I go. So a week or so ago, when I was chilling in Rehoboth with my English teacher and her five "hooliganious" children (okay, technically only four of them were there the entire time), she said "Oh you normally have your cell phone with you, don't you?" I assured her that I did because I felt, well I knew I felt something without it but I didn't know how to complete this phrase: "I feel ______ without it." She tried to fill it in for me with the standard "naked," but I thoughtfully shot back, "No... I feel... incomplete without it." And sadly, it is the truth. Without that comforting black Razr in my pocket, I feel like I could be missing out on life. Hardly anyone ever calls me, but I'm certain that if I ever went somewhere (even into the bathroom) without it, someone vitally important would text me and I wouldn't have my phone with me, allowing me to read it immediately or potentially miss the fact that I had even received a text. Laugh all you want, but it's the truth. And sometimes, "the truth, the truth freaking hurts." (Grey's Anatomy episode something or other)


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