
"Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play."

Yesterday a lot of things happened.
Other than getting rice thrown all over me yet again during the skits for VBS, I was drafted to run the nursery for the night. Yeah, there were only two kids in there, but it was a pretty new experience for Kim and I. So, the one girl that was there, Bethany, is about one and a half years old, and is quite the vocalist. As soon as Kay took Bethany and I down to the nursery, Bethany started wailing into the carpet for a minute or two. Kim comes back in, Kay leaves, and we get Bethany all under control. Eventually Kay brings her baby son Cole back in for us to watch for the rest of the night, and Kim and I were very excited. For a while I was entertaining Cole while Kim kept Bethany from screaming or climbing all over Cole's stroller. After a while Kim got totally jealous and made me switch with her, but I didn't care. I had already had a breakthrough during my short time with Cole Steven. What did I discover, you ask?
A heck of a lot.
So, first, I was looking in his eyes and I realized that they were amaing. An incredible deep blue that got lighter closer to the pupil. Looking closer at the whites, I realized that the whites were blue as well. Not overly blue, but they had a blue tint that's kindof hard to notice. Kim came over and
said "He's gonna have gorgeous eyes when he's older," "He already does."
But what was even more incredulous was that I picked him up out of his stroller and held him.
And it was, I don't even know how to begin to describe the feeling. It was, I guess, empowering to realize that I was holding this, this thing that is so simplistic that it doesn't even know what is happening or who I am or who he is, and at that very moment I had control of his life. I determined where he was going to do, and even could have changed his life simply by showing him television (children under one aren't supposed to watch television because it can cause ADD later in their life), man I had his life in my hands. Quite literally. I could have easily killed him if I got distracted by Bethany or some random event, or I could have saved him if another random dude broke into the church or anything.
But, in case you were wondering, yes, it was the first time I held a baby.
Hopefully it won't be the last time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwww... joy will make a good mommy.
: )

Blogger joy said...

Oh gosh, man.
Kim and I decided that I already have a son, based on my nightmare about the Awards Ceremony and then my conversation with Mrs. Palizzi.
And THEN I have to have a daughter for Dr. G becasue he is always going on about how when I come back with my daughter the bridge will be up there. If he's still teaching, of course.


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