
Can't you see?

My lady...

I am not your lady!...
I am not any kind of a lady!
I was spawned in a ditch
By a mother who left me there,
Naked and cold and too hungry to cry;
I never blamed her.
I'm sure she left hoping
That I'd have the good sense to die!
Then, of course, there's my father...
I'm told that young ladies
Can point to their fathers
With maidenly pride;
Mine was some regiment
Here for an hour,
I can't even tell you which side!
So of course I became,
As befitted my delicate birth,
The most casual bride
Of the murdering scum of the earth!

And still thou art my lady.

And still he torments me!
How should I be a lady?
For a lady has modest and maidenly airs,
And a virtue I somehow suspect that I lack;
It's hard to remember these maidenly airs
In a stable laid flat on your back!
Won't you look at me, look at me,
God, won't you look at me!
Look at the kitchen slut reeking with sweat!
Born on a dung heap to die on a dung heap,
A strumpet men use and forget!
If you feel that you see me
Not quite at my virginal best,
Cross my palm with a coin,
And I'll willingly show you the rest!

Never deny thou art Dulcinea.

Take the clouds from your eyes
and see me as I really am!

You have shown me the sky,
But what good is the sky
To a creature who'll never
Do better than crawl?

Of all the cruel bastards
Who've badgered and battered me,
You are the cruelest of all!
Can't you see what your gentle
Insanities do to me?
Rob me of anger and give me despair! Blows and abuse
I can take and give back again,
Tenderness I cannot bear!
So please torture me now
With your "Sweet Dulcineas" no more!
I am no one! I'm nothing!
I'm only Aldonza the whore!

Now and forever thou art my lady Dulcinea!

Aldonza, The Man of La Mancha


Balance is not symmetry

When I told my art teacher that I didn't really like their SmartBoard, and told them that it threw their room off balance, they told me "I'm no fan of symmetry." Just a few minutes ago, during Thanksgiving dinner, I realized that symmetry and balance are not the same thing. Yes, something symmetrical is balanced, but you can also have something that's balanced that isn't symmetrical.
For example, let's use numbers and a scale. On one side you have a three, seven, and five. On the other side you have a ten, four, and a one. Both sides add up to be fifteen, so they are balanced, but their values couldn't be more different.

Now I'll just wait for the turkey to kick in...


Missing what I never had

I do believe that it is quite odd for one to miss something that they never knew. True, it is the false memories that feel the most real, but why? Why is the imagination so much stronger than anything our memory can hold? And why am I living my life, then stopping to think "I want to do this with Mason" when I'm trying so hard to let him go?
And why can't I seem to let him?


Every day a little death....

My art teacher just got a SmartBoard installed in their room.

(For those of you who don't know what a SmartBoard is, its basically an interactive white board that's hooked up to the teacher's computer.)

And when I first saw the SmartBoard hanging there, I was sad.
Very sad.

Because my art teacher's SmartBoard now hangs over their white board, so now they can't write all over it in different colors and leave up stuff for weeks without anyone caring.

Now, instead of another vibrant part of their environment, there's a big, empty space.

A huge white hole that just throws the entire room off balance.

Before you get the wrong idea, I'm absolutely thrilled for them. The things they'll be able to do now with that technology is an amazing tool that will be an immense benefit to their students (one of which I wish I had the opportunity to be this year).

Or maybe I'm just a crazy teenager who doesn't like change......



Are really good.

I've been eating them quite a bit lately for some reason, and have discovered how amazing their taste is. I've always known that they taste really good, but for some reason, they taste superb.

So the next time you divulge a red bag of goodness, eat them one at a time.
In no hurry at all.
Chew slowly, and swallow all the pieces of shell before you start chewing another one.
Then sit back, and be amazed at the taste.

Thank you, America.