
"I think I'm quite ready for another adventure."

Yesterday I went to the National Cathedral in D.C. I drug three of my friends along, Josh, Adam, and Carrie, who I may start referring to as "JAC" at some point in time because it takes too long to always say "Josh, Adam, and Carrie." Anyway. I digress. ("But I... undress..." -Josh. Every time.)

I had been to the Cathedral only once before in my life. During confirmation class in eighth grade, we went over for the flower festival and had the craziest luck at being able to climb the bell tower. Though I had only been in it once, I passed it many, many times going back and forth to my sister's college only a mile or so further down the road. Since this summer, I felt driven to go back. ("We have to go back!" -Lost) And I knew I couldn't go alone. I had to go with the right people. It was kindof a big deal.

So, after a few failed attempts, I got the trip planned out with the three people I spend most of my time outside of school with. Josh, who I've been frequenting the movies with since this summer; Adam, Josh's right hand, who I had Spanish 3 with but barely talked to and subsequently knew; and Carrie, who I pretty much hated until I sat next to her during our first day of college. Josh and I had briefly discussed the possibility of going, Adam kinda just got swept in, and Carrie had no idea why we were going but agreed to come with. The only almost glitch in this "dream team" of sorts was Antonio from drama club, who infiltrated Josh's bowling festivities the night before our adventure. When we inevitably brought up the trip, he started saying that he wished he didn't have plans so he could come with us. Apparently he called Carrie yesterday morning and asked if he could come with us. The ever-wise Carrie replied "Uhh... it's kinda Joy's trip, so I dunno." When she told me that, something hit me.

This was my trip. I don't know what I expected to get out of it. I found out some very important information, though. Firstly that Josh can be an insanely obnoxious passenger and likes to butcher especially gloriously touching U2 songs that we both adore. Secondly that Adam's grandfather went to the same school as my sister, and that Adam is a very deep person. Thirdly, that Carrie watches me like a hawk. Not long before we left, we wandered back into the gift shop. I was feeling nostalgic (that word keeps popping up everywhere from Watchmen to a book I'm reading for my Ireland class, so I am so going to start using it in everyday conversation!) and wandered through the upper level of the gift shop and right out the door. I had to be alone. I snapped some pictures of the Cathedral because I felt I should, but I didn't feel particularly fond of any of them. I couldn't feel. I went back in and snuck down into what is known as the Resurrection Chapel. It has beautiful mosaics of Jesus' appearances after the crucifixion. After I had a few minutes to pray and think and even found a book that explained all the mosaics, my phone started vibrating. Josh was calling to figure out where I was. I didn't really want to answer. But I did. The three of them found me and Carrie inquired "where did you go? I was following you!" and seemed shocked when I answered that I went outside. Then we went back into the nave so Josh could get pictures with us and then Adam took a few of us outside, and we left. I missed a few turns coming out of the city, but thankfully I have more patience and common sense at driving than my father ever did and I kept my cool the whole time.

The trip was something for all of us. Josh was amazed at the size of the Cathedral. Adam admitted he severely underestimated it. Carrie never really said anything but I'm fairly certain that it's impossible to spend three and a half hours in the Cathedral and not feel something. I definitely felt something but I don't know what. It'll hit me sometime. Eventually. Probably when I least expect it. Or maybe when we go back. Already we're planning the return journey on one of the two times a year you're allowed to climb the bell tower. That is, if Josh and Carrie can handle the climb. They kinda started it yesterday on the sly. Sneaking up the eerie spiral staircase from the Resurrection Chapel... yeah. It's one adventure after another with them.

I went out walking
Through streets paved with gold
Lifted some stones
Saw the skin and bones
Of a city without a soul
I went out walking
Under an atomic sky
Where the ground won't turn
And the rain it burns
Like the tears when I said goodbye

Yeah I went with nothing
Nothing but the thought of you
I went wandering

I went drifting
Through the capitals of tin
Where men can't walk
Or freely talk
And sons turn their fathers in
I stopped outside a church house
Where the citizens like to sit
They say they want the kingdom
But they don't want God in it

I went out riding
Down that old eight lane
I passed by a thousand signs
Looking for my own name

I went with nothing
But the thought you'd be there too
Looking for you

I went out there
In search of experience
To taste and to touch
And to feel as much
As a man can
Before he repents

I went out searching
Looking for one good man
A spirit who would not bend or break
Who would sit at his father's right hand
I went out walking
With a bible and a gun
The word of God lay heavy on my heart
I was sure I was the one
Now Jesus, don't you wait up
Jesus, I'll be home soon
Yeah I went out for the papers
Told her I'd be back by noon

Yeah I left with nothing
But the thought you'd be there too
Looking for you

Yeah I left with nothing
Nothing but the thought of you
I went wandering

--The Wanderer, U2 and Johnny Cash


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