
Every day a little death....

My art teacher just got a SmartBoard installed in their room.

(For those of you who don't know what a SmartBoard is, its basically an interactive white board that's hooked up to the teacher's computer.)

And when I first saw the SmartBoard hanging there, I was sad.
Very sad.

Because my art teacher's SmartBoard now hangs over their white board, so now they can't write all over it in different colors and leave up stuff for weeks without anyone caring.

Now, instead of another vibrant part of their environment, there's a big, empty space.

A huge white hole that just throws the entire room off balance.

Before you get the wrong idea, I'm absolutely thrilled for them. The things they'll be able to do now with that technology is an amazing tool that will be an immense benefit to their students (one of which I wish I had the opportunity to be this year).

Or maybe I'm just a crazy teenager who doesn't like change......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i say we vandalize it.
glue something better over it... if it looks good, i doubt he'll mind. he can always go way vintage and use one of those flip-charts with markers and the freakishly-large sheets of paper. like from elementary school, remember?

Blogger joy said...

Those flip charts are really cool.
And the vandalization would work... rubber cement! He has rubber cement in his hermitage and I went crazy one time when I saw it and he told me not to do something stupid/ dangerous with it!

Hah hah hah!


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