Tyler --the father
TyPow07: joy
TyPow07: why didnt u ask ur parents..
LewaANDGali3: what?
LewaANDGali3: oooh
LewaANDGali3: right
LewaANDGali3: sorry
LewaANDGali3: im a rebel teenager, what can i say?
LewaANDGali3: hefke was right about me
TyPow07: im gonna have a talk with mason on tuesday
LewaANDGali3: oh gosh
LewaANDGali3: have fun with that
TyPow07: and see if hes right for my daughter
TyPow07: and jill will have a talk with you
TyPow07: then im sure jessica
LewaANDGali3: oh great
LewaANDGali3: thanks for the warning
TyPow07: and erk
TyPow07: then cooper
TyPow07: then king
TyPow07: then clif
TyPow07: the .. jake
TyPow07: hes gonna b the worst
LewaANDGali3: pretty much so
LewaANDGali3: well thanks for the warning
TyPow07: ur welcome
LewaANDGali3: i'm going to give mason the heads up about that talk....
TyPow07: .......
TyPow07: HEADS UP!!!!1
TyPow07: joy u btr not be doing anything with this boy!!!!!!!!
LewaANDGali3: of course not....
LewaANDGali3: nope.....
LewaANDGali3: we're not going anywhere after cross country practice tomorrow or anything..... LewaANDGali3: nope
TyPow07: JOY!!!!!!!
LewaANDGali3: wouldn't dream of it....
TyPow07: just wait till i talk to ur mother
TyPow07: u dont even have skittles!!!!
LewaANDGali3: sorry
TyPow07: just wait till i talk to your mother
LewaANDGali3: i'd wait
LewaANDGali3: but my computer is kindof dying
TyPow07: fine joy
TyPow07: go to bed then
TyPow07: but dont dream about mason!!!!
LewaANDGali3: no guarantees
TyPow07: dream about boats
LewaANDGali3: okay
LewaANDGali3: i'll dream about mason buying my a boat
LewaANDGali3: or something...
TyPow07: NO
LewaANDGali3: pleeeaaaassseee???
TyPow07: no joy
TyPow07: not until we get u some skitles
TyPow07: and not until we talk to him
LewaANDGali3: fine
LewaANDGali3: i'll just sneak out and go off with him
LewaANDGali3: and make him take me to Rita's
LewaANDGali3: without you knowing it!
TyPow07: ill lock ur doors and windows and put u up in a high tower!!!
LewaANDGali3: oh dear
LewaANDGali3: can i at least call him?
TyPow07: no
LewaANDGali3: what?!?!?
LewaANDGali3: you're such an unreasonable father!!!
TyPow07: u can txt him
LewaANDGali3: i hate you!
LewaANDGali3: oh okay
LewaANDGali3: i don't hate you anymore
LewaANDGali3: yaaay!
LewaANDGali3: oh look!
LewaANDGali3: i just found some skittles.....
LewaANDGali3: i guess i can go see mason now!
LewaANDGali3: byes!
TyPow07: NO U CANT
TyPow07: they dont go into effect that quick
TyPow07: ok u can stop now
TyPow07: ur mother and i dont wana hear about u and ur bf and what you do
LewaANDGali3: okay
LewaANDGali3: then i won't tell you
TyPow07: good
TyPow07: bye
LewaANDGali3: i won't ever tell you when i get pregnant
LewaANDGali3: or anything!
TyPow07: ill pull it out with a coat hanger jill
TyPow07: i mean jill will
TyPow07: lol
LewaANDGali3: i'll just get fatter and fatter and then drop out of school to have my baby TyPow07: good ruin ur life to live with a hippy and see what he gets u....
LewaANDGali3: what?
TyPow07: POT
LewaANDGali3: mason is most definitely NOT a hippy
LewaANDGali3: he's a farm boy!
TyPow07: hes in inviromental!!!!!!!!
TyPow07: LKOSER!!!!!
LewaANDGali3: don't be hatin!
LewaANDGali3: my husband is in that tech area!
TyPow07: o i already a
TyPow07: m
TyPow07: LOSER !!!!!!!!1
LewaANDGali3: well actually, you CAN bust on my husband
LewaANDGali3: it's not a very healthy relationship
LewaANDGali3: we don't talk to each other anymore
TyPow07: lol
LewaANDGali3: i'm thinking i need to get him to sign the papers so mason and i can run off LewaANDGali3: on our boat
LewaANDGali3: and then i won't have levin coming after me and trying to beat up my boyfriend for stealing his wife
TyPow07: yeah
LewaANDGali3: so
LewaANDGali3: i should go
TyPow07: ok
TyPow07: BYE
LewaANDGali3: and wait for the skittles to take effect....
LewaANDGali3: and text mason
LewaANDGali3: and run away from my husband
TyPow07: ok it takes 2 weeks
LewaANDGali3: only two weeks?
LewaANDGali3: are you sure?
TyPow07: yes mam
LewaANDGali3: okay
LewaANDGali3: well i'm taking your word for it
TyPow07: u should read the pamphlet
TyPow07: lol
LewaANDGali3: okay i will
TyPow07: why didnt u ask ur parents..
LewaANDGali3: what?
LewaANDGali3: oooh
LewaANDGali3: right
LewaANDGali3: sorry
LewaANDGali3: im a rebel teenager, what can i say?
LewaANDGali3: hefke was right about me
TyPow07: im gonna have a talk with mason on tuesday
LewaANDGali3: oh gosh
LewaANDGali3: have fun with that
TyPow07: and see if hes right for my daughter
TyPow07: and jill will have a talk with you
TyPow07: then im sure jessica
LewaANDGali3: oh great
LewaANDGali3: thanks for the warning
TyPow07: and erk
TyPow07: then cooper
TyPow07: then king
TyPow07: then clif
TyPow07: the .. jake
TyPow07: hes gonna b the worst
LewaANDGali3: pretty much so
LewaANDGali3: well thanks for the warning
TyPow07: ur welcome
LewaANDGali3: i'm going to give mason the heads up about that talk....
TyPow07: .......
TyPow07: HEADS UP!!!!1
TyPow07: joy u btr not be doing anything with this boy!!!!!!!!
LewaANDGali3: of course not....
LewaANDGali3: nope.....
LewaANDGali3: we're not going anywhere after cross country practice tomorrow or anything..... LewaANDGali3: nope
TyPow07: JOY!!!!!!!
LewaANDGali3: wouldn't dream of it....
TyPow07: just wait till i talk to ur mother
TyPow07: u dont even have skittles!!!!
LewaANDGali3: sorry
TyPow07: just wait till i talk to your mother
LewaANDGali3: i'd wait
LewaANDGali3: but my computer is kindof dying
TyPow07: fine joy
TyPow07: go to bed then
TyPow07: but dont dream about mason!!!!
LewaANDGali3: no guarantees
TyPow07: dream about boats
LewaANDGali3: okay
LewaANDGali3: i'll dream about mason buying my a boat
LewaANDGali3: or something...
TyPow07: NO
LewaANDGali3: pleeeaaaassseee???
TyPow07: no joy
TyPow07: not until we get u some skitles
TyPow07: and not until we talk to him
LewaANDGali3: fine
LewaANDGali3: i'll just sneak out and go off with him
LewaANDGali3: and make him take me to Rita's
LewaANDGali3: without you knowing it!
TyPow07: ill lock ur doors and windows and put u up in a high tower!!!
LewaANDGali3: oh dear
LewaANDGali3: can i at least call him?
TyPow07: no
LewaANDGali3: what?!?!?
LewaANDGali3: you're such an unreasonable father!!!
TyPow07: u can txt him
LewaANDGali3: i hate you!
LewaANDGali3: oh okay
LewaANDGali3: i don't hate you anymore
LewaANDGali3: yaaay!
LewaANDGali3: oh look!
LewaANDGali3: i just found some skittles.....
LewaANDGali3: i guess i can go see mason now!
LewaANDGali3: byes!
TyPow07: NO U CANT
TyPow07: they dont go into effect that quick
TyPow07: ok u can stop now
TyPow07: ur mother and i dont wana hear about u and ur bf and what you do
LewaANDGali3: okay
LewaANDGali3: then i won't tell you
TyPow07: good
TyPow07: bye
LewaANDGali3: i won't ever tell you when i get pregnant
LewaANDGali3: or anything!
TyPow07: ill pull it out with a coat hanger jill
TyPow07: i mean jill will
TyPow07: lol
LewaANDGali3: i'll just get fatter and fatter and then drop out of school to have my baby TyPow07: good ruin ur life to live with a hippy and see what he gets u....
LewaANDGali3: what?
TyPow07: POT
LewaANDGali3: mason is most definitely NOT a hippy
LewaANDGali3: he's a farm boy!
TyPow07: hes in inviromental!!!!!!!!
TyPow07: LKOSER!!!!!
LewaANDGali3: don't be hatin!
LewaANDGali3: my husband is in that tech area!
TyPow07: o i already a
TyPow07: m
TyPow07: LOSER !!!!!!!!1
LewaANDGali3: well actually, you CAN bust on my husband
LewaANDGali3: it's not a very healthy relationship
LewaANDGali3: we don't talk to each other anymore
TyPow07: lol
LewaANDGali3: i'm thinking i need to get him to sign the papers so mason and i can run off LewaANDGali3: on our boat
LewaANDGali3: and then i won't have levin coming after me and trying to beat up my boyfriend for stealing his wife
TyPow07: yeah
LewaANDGali3: so
LewaANDGali3: i should go
TyPow07: ok
TyPow07: BYE
LewaANDGali3: and wait for the skittles to take effect....
LewaANDGali3: and text mason
LewaANDGali3: and run away from my husband
TyPow07: ok it takes 2 weeks
LewaANDGali3: only two weeks?
LewaANDGali3: are you sure?
TyPow07: yes mam
LewaANDGali3: okay
LewaANDGali3: well i'm taking your word for it
TyPow07: u should read the pamphlet
TyPow07: lol
LewaANDGali3: okay i will
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