
"God's Plan"

Okay. So, my mom is reading this book called "Purpose for Everyday Living," and on the back cover thing it reads "Discovering God's purpose for your life..... But perhaps your vision of what God intends for your life is not as clear as you would like." Is it just me, or is the entire point of life not knowing God's plan? Because if we knew God's plan we wouldn't be wandering around going "Oh my God my life sucks and I don't want to be a slave to religion anymore; screw religion lets just go back to Communism!" I don't think God wants Communism. But there I go, pretending I know God's plan is for us not to have Communism. Heck, as far as I know, He could have loved the USSR and cried when it collapsed!

On the first day of final exams at my school, I finished my Spanish one early so I went and hung out in the art teacher's room (they had a planning period then so it was all good). And we got into this absolutely amazing conversation about pretty much everything, and we touched on world hunger. I assured them that my Spanish teacher and I had found a way to solve world hunger with Duck Tape, and they replied that "hunger was a part of God's plan." Of course, then another staff member walks in, who just so happens to be an ex-minister. Theological discussion ensued. We determined that we cannot say anything is a part of God's plan because we humans are too stupid to understand it, and if we did our brains would explode.

So fie upon thee, Criswell Freeman, who wrote a book of quotes to tell people that "As a part of [God's] plan, He intends that you experience abundance and joy in this life, and throughout all eternity." Has it ever occurred to these people that maybe some crazy person doesn't want to know God's plan? Hmm? Isn't that supposed to be what you find out after you die and have talked to St. Peter (the guy who has the keys to the gates of Heaven and Hell) and are dancin' with the angels and singing God's praises and righteousness and all for ever and ever?

I guess it's just all a part of God's plan...

"'Cause the world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told."
The World is Black, Good Charlotte


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