
My life ambitions, recently rediscovered.

I have resolved to do several things.

1) To watch every motion picture that was awarded the Best Picture Oscar. There's a reason they won, right?
2) To travel to (and not just see the airport of) all fifty states by 24 October 2040, my fiftieth birthday.
3) To learn Latin and go back to Vatican City and read inscriptions myself. And because I kinda liked that graveyard with the orange trees in it.
4) Rediscover the seven wonders of the ancient world, or whatever's left of them. The pyramids, the lighthouse, the Colossus of Rhodes, the hanging gardens, and those other three I don't remember.
5) Go to Vietnam.
6) See just as many countries as my father did while he was in the Army.
7) See every country in Europe.
8) To go to Iceland and Greenland.
9) Visit the seven continents. Yes, even the uninhabited one, Antarctica.
10) To be a part of something bigger than myself.

Most of these I made up on the spot, but I guess they are all things I sincerely want to do.
Why Vietnam? Good question. I guess my dad asked that same question when he went there, too.


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