
So we won.

This year it really didn't come as a surprise to me, for whatever reason. My team is going to World Finals, which this year is being held in East Lansing. Conveniently, I will be attending my grandfather's memorial service while I'm out celebrating creativity and all that good stuff.
How lovely.

Not that I was really close to him or anything, but it'll just be.... odd. The last funeral for a member of my family was '99 or '00, right after my grandmother's ninetieth birthday. Never knew her. I recognized the person who lived in Loftland, the person who I would deliver Depends to occasionally when my parents didn't have time to visit. A person who would be laboriously brought into my living room every Christmas to blankly watch my sisters and I open our presents.

Not like I'm really close to anyone, actually. I know better than that.
Don't I?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah... i think you do know that.

quite more than you used to.


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