
"This should probably be posted on your blog"

Another one of my infamous emails to the Doctor G:

But as the soon-will-be-famous Stephenson says, can you ever truly understand art or is the beauty of it in not understanding?

And I'm much too brain dead to organize the rest of these sentences into some type of paragraph form....
-gave Sally your message, including the quote
-I don't think these are going to end up being sentences
-it will be quite some time before I wear the shirt to carp since I'm never there
-having more faculty would have been more effective if the staff wasn't teachers (as a wise guy pointed out earlier today)
-true true, both of us do miss Sally because I've recently realized that I never see her to talk about anything other than our increasing number of issues
-you need to get some sleep
-I need to get some sleep because I can't think anymore
-though I daresay both of us will be just as tired on Monday
-I have a book for you for sometime
-you gotta watch random liquids around your keyboard. My sister completely fried her laptop this summer with a glass of water
-why ever would I graduate??? I've been a senior for what, two or three years now?
-was quite surprised to get an email back!
-relieved to know I'm not the only person in the school who knows about the ancient mummification processes (though embalming by diet sodas have to be the best. And this is just making me think of "Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain")
-are you sure that you've gotten worse since you were a pro photographer or are you just harder on yourself?
-since I started writing this (it's harder than I thought it would be to watch tv and come up with an email at the same time, so it's been a good hour....) Sally assured me that she isn't mad at you, you just make her feel stupid
-we all have grandiose plans and do nothing about it. I have movies in my head, and what do I do about it? I sleep on my roof.
-the extra cost for Kosher hot dogs was definitely worth it
-everyone's lives are falling apart; too little duck tape to go around; I'm the only sane person left in Club Psycho
-there are too many rhetorical questions in here.
-know the length of your battery cord thing for the laptop to maximize efficiency
-take good notes that you'll never, ever look at again
-most of this is pretty random


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was a spectacular email.
i quite enjoyed it.

Blogger joy said...

I hope he enjoyed it. Because he never emailed me back. Speaking of which, I think I may email him about Levin's gift thing.... :D


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