
Two very special guys.

For the past very long while, there have been two amazing guys in my life, Matt and Josh.
Now, Matt has been amazing for much longer, but that makes Josh no less spectacular.

These two have one thing in common --they are the only people who have hugged me while picking me up and spinning me around in the air.
For some reason, that really turns me on.
It's just awesome.

Matt did that a year or two ago at church; he just hugged me, and before I knew it, I was swinging around the hallway.
It was over too soon.

Yesterday, when I took my group of six eighth graders into Media Broadcasting, I saw Josh and exclaimed "JOSH!"
"That sounds like Joy.... It is Joy!"
When I finally got into the control room, I received my hug, followed by a very unexpected lift and 1020 degree trip. (I do believe everyone who was there was surprised. Including Josh)
It was amazing.

Then, tonight, I came out of the elevator in my church, turned down the hallway, and stopped to read a bulletin board. From further down the hallway, I hear someone running --fast. I see a blue blur, think "Is that Phil? No, Phil wasn't wearing blue--" and then felt an arm knocking across my chest, and a body behind me, barely sweeping me off the ground (they were crouched down), and spinning me around.
"Matt" I think.
"Ow, I think you gave me a bruise,"
"Yes! I gave Matt a bruise!"

It just seems, awesome to me that these guys know exactly how to cheer me up.
Just lift me up.
Which is something that Mason never did.
Which is kindof sad, in a way.
Because those guys are guys that would never date me.
And they're still amazing to me.

Which is why they are my two very special guys.
(For tonight, anyway...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the last bit is my favorite.
for tonight.



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