
An Early Morning Revelation

I just realized how many songs I have on here.
But oh well.

"Music touches emotions that words cannot."

I'll just leave it at that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Blogger joy said...

You know you do.
A lot of people do.
But very few people get that love back.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


the speaker at the thing last night, that Dr. Tim guy, he was talking about the pyramid of musical people, and he was like:

"On the first level, there are the people who think band and choir is just a social hour and probably don't even dress right at the concert. That is a big level; the majority of the people are in that level. You guys are not. Because you came here by your own will.
On the second level are people who actually pracice. They want to get to the higher levels, but they aren't quite there yet. A few of you are still there.
The third level is where most of you in this room are. I can tell because of the look in your eyes, and the simple fact that you're here tonight and you look really interested. The third level is the artist level. You want to be heard, and you want to be good. And you are.
But the fourth level, that is the high one. Probable only a few of you in the room are at the fourth level. The fourth level is where you come to such a deep connection with the music that instead of trying to make sure your band or choir director can hear you, you fall into the sound and become one with the ensamble. You realize that it isn't about you, and that it's about the communication to the audience. You're goal is to make the lady with the purple hair in the back cry. You want to change someone's life."

Blogger joy said...

That is awesome.
But where do I fit? I'm kindof musical. With the bells....
I'll give myself a five. Just like Mr. Ruby or something.


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