
My choice.

I seriously can't believe I'm being forced to make this decision. I mean, it should be so easy. I'm getting the Jenny Moore award. No question about it. It's me and Kurt. And either I'm going to get it, or we're both getting it.
CT has kept me in AC. When so many of my buddies tend to drop out when they hit the upper levels, CT is my rock. Every Tuesday for the past four years I've spent at Del Tech between the Pondside Lounge, the auditorium, and the Star Trek room. That's been my life.
But on the other hand, I know I'm going to Worlds. My team is great. We work together well and have the drive, the desire, the talent. We've got it and we haven't even started. All I need is to get to Worlds. Ron Rab-Long and I can work out the details once we get there. Since my first day at Worlds in seventh grade, I've wanted that walk across a stage and shaking Sam Micklus' hand as I was handed my diploma. So badly. I've wanted the OM Delaware scholarship.
I've wanted both.
I need both.
I'm doing both.
But I have no idea how the hell I'm going to do it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


is very passionate

Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) yay im glad that all worked out...

Blogger joy said...

I am too.
But at the same time I'm bummed out that it was so stressful for no reason.

Blogger joy said...

Jenny Moore --check.
Graduation at Worlds --next week.
Delaware OM scholarship --not so much.


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